ITM, Brooding a culture of data-driven decision making

Brood has supported ITM, a New Zealand owned cooperative in the building, manufacturing and supply industry, with a strategy to make data management more efficient and automated.

We have taken a human centred approach to understanding Suppliers, Stores and end Customers needs, as well as inform the delivery roadmap to a culture of data-driven decision making.

The Opportunity for ITM

Like many New Zealand retailers, ITM is in the journey of aligning their business structure with the technology available, and they have identified key opportunities:

Minimise manual product data input and optimise processing time

Reduce cost and increase speed of transactions between suppliers and customers

Increase the quality of insights to support their sales and marketing strategies

Better progress tracking, identify improvement opportunities and measure success

Brood Approach with ITM

Our collaborative method, taking a Human Centered Design approach applied in five stages:

1. Future state visualisation

Map and visualise the expected interactions between multiple technology systems in order to enable an end-to-end data flow between suppliers, stores and customers.

2. Identification of jobs to be done

Map and visualise what are the broken digital experiences and interactions, blocking the delivery of the end-to-end data flow between suppliers, stores and customers.

3. Contextual observation of suppliers

Conduct in-field research to identify suppliers process and digital interaction pain-points when updating their products and prices with ITM systems.

4. Prototype design and Testing

Design and test a digital experience for ITM support office, to replace manual processing of suppliers product and data information update.

5. Organisational design and delivery roadmap

Trial an organisational structure and way of working that enables the delivery of an Minimum Viable Product (MVP) end-to-end data flow, by the creation of multidisciplinary teams accountable for delivering value to suppliers, stores and customers.

The Outcomes for ITM

ITM now has a framework to deliver an end-to-end data flow between suppliers, stores and customers, as well as a common vision on what, when and how to deliver:

A digital ecosystem solution

Designed Digital tools to be developed as well as clearly defined requirements for technology product vendors.

A roadmap prioritised by data and insights

A defined MVP to be delivered, identifying the highest value with the least effort in order to go to market, address pain-points and prove value to the business quickly.

A way of working that enables success

A clear vision of a collaborative way of working that will enable a quicker, cost-effective and focused delivery, as well as fostering a culture of data-driven decision making.

Services provided to ITM

We have supported ITM with our expertise in these activities and services during the project.

Service Design

Planning and arranging people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality, and the interaction between the service provider and its users.

Way of Working Coaching

Help with the implementation of tools, techniques, frameworks and practices surrounding services, products and strategy delivery.

Alignment Session 

An interactive workshop, designed to kick off a project and get everyone on the same page. The goal is to uncover what success means to the people involved.

Immersive Research

Method to enable businesses to capture behaviours, emotions and cognitive perceptions of suppliers when they experience them.

Co-Design sessions

Technique to help businesses partner with employees to include their perspective in knowledge development, idea generation, and product development.

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping allows businesses to provide an accurate idea of how the finished product will turn out before putting too much time and money into the prototype.

Usability Testing

Evaluation of a product or service by testing it with representative users. The goal is to identify any problem, collect qualitative and quantitative data and determine satisfaction with the product.

Do you need help with your organisation’s decision making culture?

Let’s discuss how we can brood a culture of data driven decision-making in your business.