Our Thinking

Why Customer Journey Map and Service Blueprint is not working for you

Why Customer Journey Map and Service Blueprint Are Not Working For You

A Bottom-Up approach to digital transformation starts from understanding the human expectations, motivations and concerns regarding their interaction with technology. “How” we dive deep to uncover the interactions between human behaviours and technology, and what is produced as an output …

Your most important technology problem is not software or data… it’s the people

It’s still common to see organisations struggling with delivering technology that supports their business strategy, because they are only focusing on what software solution to buy, or how to integrate data. The missing piece is the understanding of the people …

The unicorn designer

What are the skills that your team needs to deliver Human-Centred digital solutions?

The questions that leaders and organisations should be asking themselves are: what is the next innovation opportunity and are we prepared for it?

Blockbusters store closing down

How to deliver Digital outcomes when the value proposition is not Digital

Everybody wants to be as engaging as Apple, but very few understand the value of a Human-Centric Digital Strategy to achieve it. It is in the best interest of the business to involve Digital and a Human-Centred perspective in the …

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

How to keep the balance between innovation capability and internal demand

It’s in the best interest of the organisation to develop their creative talent by exposing them to new challenges and mentoring. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Creative talent leaving the job

How to retain creative talent when Innovation is not the value proposition

Creatives love to Innovate with all that it means. Diving in the problem space and understanding people’s needs, so they will only then experiment with different ideas to solve the problem.

Steve Jobs quote: It doesn't make sense to hire smart people to tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do"

How to ensure that specialists will be able to Design when everyone else is a “Design Thinker”?

It is in the best interest of the organisation to get the strategic initiatives right, and a way to increase the chances of success, is by allowing Design specialist to contribute.